    [lang] => en
+36 70 882 5534, +36 70 395 5533,
160 000 HUF
Size: : 43 sqm
Debrecen , Thomas Mann street, next to the Tram 2, close to ...
1 living room(s), 1 bedroom(s), 1 bathroom(s).
Debrecen, Thomas Mann
250 000 HUF
Size: : 55 sqm
Debrecen, Close to the Ótemető Campus/ Kassai Campus 3 separate bedroom ...
0 living room(s), 3 bedroom(s), 0 bathroom(s).
Debrecen, Boka Károly
250 000 HUF
Size: : 72 sqm
Debrecen, Arany János street, city center, 72 sqm, 3 bedroom +dining ...
0 living room(s), 3 bedroom(s), 1 bathroom(s).
Debrecen, Arany jános
250 000 HUF
Size: : 80 sqm
Debrecen, near the Kassai Campus ,new building, fully furnished and ...
1 living room(s), 3 bedroom(s), 1 bathroom(s).
Debrecen , Kassai street

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Alexandra Kengyeli

Alexandra Kengyeli

+36 70 882 5534

Ferenc Horváth

Ferenc Horváth

+36 70 395 5533

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